How To Boost Your 808 Using Waves PuigTec EQP-1A Plugin

Hey what’s going on music makers? Want to learn how to boost your 808 using waves plugins?
Well I’ve got you covered on that and more! I’ve started up a new YouTube series called “Wavy Wednesdays”.
Each Wednesday, I will be dropping a new video covering a new Waves plugin and will be showing you guys how you can use it in your music creation and/or mixing processes.
I’m starting off the series by highlighting different Waves plugins you can use to mix and boost your 808. In the first episode, I reviewed the Waves PuigTec EQP-1A plugin, which is a PulTec style EQ that comes in the JJP (Jack Joseph Puig) Analog Legends Collection.

The Waves PuigTec EQP-1A plugin is a 3 band eq usually used for broadband eq purposes. Learn how to boost your 808 or other low end sounds in your mix using this plugin
I pull up my Pro Tools Session and show you how I used the Waves PuigTec EQP-1A plugin on the 808 track in a song I produced called “Designer” feat. Flamo. In order to boost the low-end of the 808. It’s a dope song, and I encourage you guys to check it out, share it with a friend, and add it to your playlists!
Here’s a link to the full song! “Designer” – Flamo & Fly Guy J
You can watch the making of “Designer” here! Watch the in studio session!
I also show you how to do the “Pultec EQ Trick” a.k.a. the “Boost & Cut Trick“ which is a cool technique that allows you to boost the low end and scoop out some of the muddiness in the low end at the same time.
You can watch Episode 1 of “Wavy Wednesday’s” – How To Use Waves EQP-1A Plugin To Boost Your 808 below:
For those of you who would rather read… here’s a quick recap!
An Overview Of The Plugin & Interface:
The PuigTec EQP-1A is basically a 3 band EQ which is mostly used for broadband EQ purposes. This makes it great plugin to use on sub mixes or even your master channel. You can also use it on individual tracks like your 808 track, kick drum track, etc., so that you can shape the individual sound without affecting the rest of your mix.
We can break this plug-in down into three sections:
1) There’s a low shelf section (boost and cut) which consists of three knobs:
a. A low frequency knob to choose the frequency (20Hz, 30Hz, 60Hz, 100Hz)
b. A boost knob to increase the frequency chosen
c. An attenuation knob to cut the frequency chosen
2) There’s a high peak section (boost only) which consist of another three knobs:
a. A high frequency knob to choose the frequency
b. A bandwidth knob where you can select the Q, or range (narrow or wide)
c. A boost knob to increase the frequency and range chosen
3) And lastly, there is a high shelf section (cut only) which consists of two knobs:
a. The attenuation knob selector to choose the frequency (5 kHz, 10 kHz, 20 kHz)
b. The attenuation knob to cut the frequency chosen
The plugin also features a noise knob (“Mains”) for introducing some of the analog humming noise that would have been generated by the actual hardware units.
Tip: I usually leave this in the “OFF” position because I don’t like introducing noise into the individual channels of my mix. If I were going to introduce some of that analog noise I would do it with a plug-in on my mix bus or master channel so that I don’t end up with a bunch of individual tracks with noise that add up together (sum) in the final mix to make one large, nasty buildup of noise.
There is an output “Gain” knob that you can use to adjust the level of the processed sound leaving the plugin.
There is a bypass switch which allows you to bypass the EQ section of the plugin, but still benefit from the other sonic characteristics gained by passing your signal through the plugin.
Lastly, there is an output meter gage you can use to view your output level and a clipping indicator which will turn red when you have pushed things too far.
Now what makes this plug-in so unique is that it allows you to not only boost the low end, but you can also cut it at a similar, but slightly different frequency at the same time. This results in a unique EQ curve that allows you to simultaneously boost the low-end frequencies toward the fundamental and scoop out (cut) a section of the low end where some of the “muddiness” might exist.
This is known as the “Pultec EQ Trick” or the “Boost & Cut Trick”. This technique can help you beef up your low end while cleaning it up at the same time by carving out some space for your other low frequency instruments to live.
How To Boost Your 808 Using The Waves PuigTec EQP-1A Plugin:
1) Turn the noise knob (“MAINS”) to “OFF”
a. This prevents a humming noise from being generated by the plugin
2) Set the low frequency knob to 60 Hz
a. This is usually the closest frequency to the 808’s fundamental frequency
b. You can also try setting this knob to 30Hz instead, if you’d like to boost the low-end rumble of the 808 rather than the tone of the 808
3) Increase the low frequency “BOOST” knob to taste
a. Keep an eye on the output meter and make sure you aren’t overdoing it
4) Increase the low frequency “ATTEN” knob to taste (optional)
a. TIP: Try boosting and cutting by the same amounts to exaggerate the boost even more while simultaneously scooping out some of the muddiness
5) Reduce the output “GAIN” knob to level match and fit the sound back into the overall mix
a. You can use your ears, or you can place a sound level meter plugin after the EQ plugin to get a more accurate level match
b. TIP: The level going into the plugin should match the level of the processed sound coming out of the plugin so that you can get a true representation of how the plugin is affecting your sound and preserve the balance of the sound in your overall mix
c. When our ears hear things louder, it tricks our brains into thinking that it sounds better. However, the reality is, louder doesn’t always equal better!
6) Toggle the “bypass” button in the top menu bar on and off during playback and make adjustments/tweaks to the plugin as necessary
So, there you have it! That’s how you can boost your 808 using the Waves PuigTec EQP-1A to get a fatter, cleaner, tighter low-end in your mix.
I hope that this tutorial will allow you to improve the low-end in your mixes and take your beats up a notch! If you don’t already own this plugin:
You can purchase the Waves PuigTec EQP-1A plugin here:
You can check out the latest deals on other Waves plugins here:
Drop a comment and let me know what other Waves plugins you would like me to review in future episodes of my Wavy Wednesday’s YouTube series.
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Thanks for stopping by my blog and stay tuned for more mixing and mastering tips!
Keep learning, keep creating, and keep grinding!
~ Fly Guy J