Hey what’s going on music makers? Want to learn how to quickly boost your loudness levels using Waves plugins?
Well I’ve got you covered on that and more! I’ve started up a new YouTube series called “Wavy Wednesdays”.
Each Wednesday, I will be dropping a new video covering a new Waves plugin and will be showing you guys how you can use it in your music creation and/or mixing processes.
In this episode of Wavy Wednesday’s we’ll be looking at the OneKnob series Louder plug-in. As the name suggests the OneKnob Louder plug-in is a dynamic processor which raises the overall RMS level of your input signal with a simple turn of a knob.

Boost Loudness with the turn of a knob using Waves OneKnob Louder Plugin
Although this may look like a simple, basic plug-in, there’s actually a lot of complex processing going on underneath the hood. The one knob louder plug-in uses a combination of peak limiting, low level compression, and makeup gain to raise the overall level of your sound and make it pop.
This is a great plug-in for beginners to use and it’s also a great plug-in for experience engineers to use when they want to just quickly tweak their sound without having to pull up two or three different plug-ins to accomplish the same task.